How to cancel a subscription on Facetune?

To cancel your Facetune subscription or free trial:

If subscribed through web:
  • Open Facetune app
  • Tap 'My Account'
  • Log in with your account email
  • Click 'Cancel Subscription' above your payment information
For Google Play Store:
  • Open Google Play on your Android device
  • Navigate to your subscriptions
  • Select the Facetune subscription
  • Tap to cancel and follow the instructions

For App Store:
  • Open iPhone/iPad Settings
  • Tap your name
  • Tap Subscriptions
  • Find and tap the Facetune subscription
  • Cancel the subscription

Note: Deleting the app will not cancel your subscription.

How do I get a refund?

The refund process depends on where you made the purchase:
1. App Store purchases: Contact Apple Support directly.
2. Google Play Store:
  • Visit pay.google.com
  • Click Menu (three-line icon)
  • Go to "Activity" and find your purchase
  • Take a screenshot of the receipt and send it to Lightricks support
3. Website purchases:
Fill out the contact form on Facetuneapp.com

For assistance, email support@lightricks.com with your receipt, charge screenshot, signup email, and transaction details.

Is Facetune free?

Yes, Facetune is free to download from both the App Store and Google Play Store. It's a freemium app, offering both free and paid (VIP) tools. You can use and save edits with free tools at no cost. VIP tools require a purchase to save edits.

How much is Facetune?

Facetune offers several subscription options:
  • Monthly subscription
  • Yearly subscription

Exact prices may vary, so check the app for current rates.

Is there a lifetime subscription?

Yes, Facetune offers a one-time purchase option for lifetime access to VIP features.

How can I join/contact customer service?

You can contact Facetune customer service through:

Is there a Facetune VIP? And what is the price?

Yes, Facetune offers a VIP subscription that unlocks premium features. VIP is available as monthly, yearly, or lifetime subscriptions. For current pricing, please check the app or Facetune website.

How do I login to my Facetune account?

To log in to your Facetune account:
  • Open the Facetune app
  • Tap on the profile or account icon
  • Enter the email address used for your account
  • Follow the prompts to complete the login process

Facetune privacy policy?

You can find Facetune's privacy policy here. It outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.

Does Facetune have online tools?

Facetune is primarily a mobile app available for iOS and Android devices. Remember to check the app or official website for the most up-to-date information on features and pricing.

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